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Types Of Coffee

From The Bean, To The Roast, To The Drink—The Different Types Of Coffee

Standing in line at any commercial coffee shop, it can be difficult to choose the coffee drink you want. There are many different types of coffee, and it is not only limited to the drink itself. The differences in coffee begin with two major different types of coffee bean. Then, there are even more variations in the roast of the beans.

Knowing about the different types of coffee means that you will be an informed consumer. Instead of ordering something simply because you enjoy the flavor, you will be able to confidently place your order and know what sets your choice apart from all of the other different types of coffee.

The Two Different Types Of Coffee Bean

There are two main types of coffee bean that are used to make commercial coffee. These coffee beans are the Arabica coffee bean and the Robusta coffee bean.

The Arabica coffee bean is grown at high altitudes, usually ranging from 1000 to 2000 meters. This species of coffee bean is considered to be superior to the Robusta species due to its lingering caramel aftertaste, delicate flavor, and refined aroma. However, it has a lower yield and contains less caffeine than its counterpart.

The Robusta coffee bean is grown at lower altitudes, and it has both a higher yield and caffeine content than Arabica coffee beans. It has a strong flavor, and it is commonly used in instant coffee.

It’s All In The Roast

The roast of coffee beans makes a huge difference in the type of coffee. There are many different roasts available today, from American roast, to Italian roast, to European roast, to instant coffee. What’s the difference between these types of coffee?

An American roast means that the coffee beans are medium roasted. This results in a mild flavor. French roasted coffee beans, however, are heavily roasted and thus produce a much stronger tasting brew.

A European roast is created by combining two-thirds of heavily roasted beans with one-third of a regular roast. A Viennese roast is comprised of one-third heavily roasted beans and two-thirds regular roasted beans.

Latte, Espresso, Mocha—Oh My!

The many different types of coffee drinks at a coffee shop are enough to make anyone’s head spin. The names all sound exotic and promising, but what do they all mean?

A short black coffee is a standard espresso, consisting of dark coffee with rich cream. A latte is similar; however, a latte is served with milk and a small head of froth instead of cream.

Though a macchiato may sound complicated, the drink is really as simple as adding a dash of milk to an espresso. A cappuccino is an espresso with dense, frothy milk and chocolate powder on top. Lastly, a mocha is an espresso mixed with hot chocolate and served with steamed milk.

Decisions, Decisions

The many different types of coffee available mean that it is hard to make a decision about which type you might want to try. Once you get passed the sophisticated names and the exotic roasts, it’s not that hard to understand the different factors that go into making each type of coffee.



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