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Dangers Of Teething Tablets

Consider Dangers Of Teething Tablets Before Use

When a child begins teething, for their sake as well as the parents’ the first reaction is to find a safe method to relieve the pain often associated with teething. Whether massaging the gums, using ibuprofen or children’s Tylenol pain reliever, there are some parents reluctant to giver their children any type of product made of artificial products. Some advocate the use of homeopathic pain relievers, and may not fully understand the dangers of teething tablets used for teething discomfort.

Some brands of teething tablets have been on the market for years as a natural product to ease the pain of teething. The tablets are cited as being quick dissolving, fast acting and in a lactose base are safe for children of all ages. A couple of the dangers of teething tablets cited include the use of lactose as a base, in the event the child is lactose intolerant, and the use of caffeine and belladonna as ingredients. While belladonna in large doses can be a poison, in small doses it can have a positive pain relieving effect, but without controlling the amount in the tablet may present dangers of teething tablets in infants.

The content of any homeopathic remedy is deemed natural and as such not regulated by any means. While the purported amount of the ingredients in the product cannot be verified or regulated. Without this information, parents are ignoring the dangers of teething tablets and their use may cause problems if they find a product that contains more of any one of the products, such as in counterfeit products.

Know Ingredients Before Giving To Infant

Some of the common ingredients presenting the dangers of teething tablets include calcarea phosphorica, which is used in industrial surroundings and in cement. Chamomilla is used for its calming effect and is usually considered safe. However, it is member of the daisy family and as such can cause a reaction if the person is allergic to ragweed. Coffea cruda is basically coffee beans, complete with caffeine and belladonna.

Buying homeopathic remedies from a reputable and responsible source should eliminate any dangers of teething tablets. User claim they can calm their teething child down in minutes and help them sleep undisturbed by the pain and discomfort of growing teeth and do not have the effects of many of the gels containing chemicals that cause a cold burning sensation in many infants. Additionally, the effects of many topical anesthetics are short-lived and the taste is usually rejected by infants.



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