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How to Improve Your Memory

Pay Attention: How to Improve Your Memory

If you want to know how to improve your memory then there are a few good ideas you are going to want to take into consideration here. There are so many things you can do when it comes to learning how to improve your memory and the very first thing you should do before anything is make sure that you are alert, attentive, and of course positive.

If you are not optimistic and thinking positively about this experience then you are not going to be able to get very good results, so this is important. Also remember to always include as many of your senses as possible and so if you are normally a visual person, rather than just reading things to remember you should read them out loud, so that you are hearing it at the same time and will be that much more liable to remember.

Another great idea when it comes to learning how to improve your memory is to build your memory capacity, which you can do by learning new things and keeping your brain active. Learn a new language or give yourself math or science tests and see how you do. Crossword puzzles and related games are also very effective at helping improve memory because they keep the brain active and make it work.

Take a Course

If you are interested in learning how to improve your memory, then taking a course may be the best option for you here. There are even memory improvement courses that can be taken at home so that you can keep complete anonymity and do it on your own time, rather than having to make time in your day to rush out to school.

Remember that for learning how to improve your memory, pretty much any activity that actively engages your brain, jigsaw puzzles and board games for instance will help to test your knowledge and expose you to new ideas. It is also important to not stop these sorts of activities, even after you have started to notice an improvement in your memory.

You need to constantly keep testing your memory and this means engaging in these sorts of activities as often as you can. You can even make it a group thing and invite your friends and family members over to your house once a week for game night, where you all play trivia games that help improve memory. This way you are not only having fun and enjoying yourself but are also including others and helping them to improve their own memory.



Whirling Bliss Machine said...

You're right, exercising your brain definitely helps keep it sharp.

I've also been helped by a combination of PS (phosphytidylserine) and fish oil.

I saw a PET scan of a person's brain before and after using those two things. The difference was quite remarkable. My boss has noticed the improvement, too.

Kelley Eidem

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