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High Fever in Teething Infants

High Fever In Teething Infants: True or Myth?

According to many medical professionals, low-grade fever is often common among babies that are teething. However, there are times when high fever in teething infants occurs. For many years, it was believed that the connection between high fevers in teething infants is nothing but a myth however; recent studies showed that indeed these two types of conditions are connected in some way.

The viruses that are responsible for the high fever in teething infants often attack during the teething stage when the infants are most vulnerable. Since the immune system of the infants is weakened during the teething period, infants are more vulnerable to infections at this time.

What To Do When Your Child Is Suffering From High Fever

As a parent, you should not fear fever in your children too much. High fever in teething infants can be an indicator that the baby has an infection. According to studies, fever is part of the body’s mechanism to fight off infection. Rising body temperature is a sign that the immune system of the body is working against the infection. However, since high fever in teething infants can lead to febrile seizure in children who are prone to it, it would be a good idea for you to consult your pediatrician to help you manage the fever in your baby.

Infants who are less than three months old should be brought to the pediatrician immediately at the first sign of high fever. Note that infants this young still do not have well-developed immune system so they are more prone to severe infections.

High fever in teething infants can be caused by some other forms of infections so it would be a good idea for you to bring your baby to the doctor right away to avoid any complications. Do not wait until such time when the situation become worst before you bring your baby to the doctor. Although there is no truth to the myth that high fever in teething infants can cause brain damage, your baby will surely feel very uncomfortable if you let it suffer through the high fever without bringing it to the doctor.

If your baby has high fever, do not wrap the baby is warm blankets. Warm blankets will only raise the temperature of your baby further. To help bring down the body temperature of your baby to a more tolerable level, give your baby a sponge bath during tap water and give it plenty of fluid. Keep your baby well hydrated all the time to avoid any complications. If your baby refuses to take water, milk is the best alternative.



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