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How Do Hearing Aids Work

How Do Hearing Aids Work To Improve Auditory Abilities

With only about 20 percent of people with hearing problems having a hearing aid, it could be lack of understanding of how hearing aids do work. When hearing aids were first developed they were shaped like miniature megaphones, or cones, to focus the sound coming in to one point as it entered the ear. The person talking had to be in a direct line with the cone for the sound to enter and travel into the ear.

As the cause of hearing problems became better understood, and better electronic technology was developed, it altered the answer to the question of how do hearing aids work. Recent advances in technology have enabled the development of hearing aids with programmable computer chips to control many aspects of the aids’ functions that can fit innocuously into the ear. Many are small enough to fit into the ear with no sign on the outside and others may look like a small wireless earphone.

There are two basic types of hearing aids, analog and digital with analog having the capability of converting sound waves into amplified electrical signals. A doctor will send the needs to the manufacturer and how it is programmed determines how hearing aids do work for each individual.

Digital Devices Help All Hearing Aid Designs

Digital advances in hearing aid technology is redefining how do hearing aids work, enabling certain frequencies to be amplified more than others and also to indicate the direction from which the sound is coming. Digital hearing aids converts the sound into a binary number sequence where it is adjusted according to the needs of the patient and the sound frequencies are adjusted in volume to meet the individual needs.

Digital circuitry can be used in all types of hearing aids and they can be programmed to detect sound from all directions. They can also be programmed to eliminate certain sounds for people who have trouble understanding words in the presence of background sounds. This can determine how hearing aids do work by amplifying only sounds within a specific range while muting noise in other frequency ranges.

For those suffering hearing loss, regardless of the reason, there may be a hearing aid that can help them hear the world around them once again. While some auditory injuries will not be helped by hearing aids, knowing how hearing aids do work can help patients and doctors make a decision about what is right for each person.



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