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Coin Dealers

Dealing With Coin Dealers

Coin collecting is a beautiful hobby from which one can learn a lot about history and also about the different cultures around the world. As with others collections, sometimes, one needs the services of coin dealers to procure or locate a certain coin.

Procuring Coins

Coin dealers usually purchase the coins by buying from other coin dealers on trading circuits, bidding in auctions, buying from private collections and by attending coin dealers’ conventions. They also build their stock by offering to buy coins which are brought to them for grading and evaluation. Sometimes, coin dealers buy coins by bulk and just sift through the purchase for coins which are more valuable than the rest.

Selling the Coins

Coin dealers sell their coins through advertisements in coin collectors’ magazine or other related magazines, or by issuing catalogs with price lists. Other ways to sell coins is to put them up for auction or to go through want lists of clients to see which one needs what coin. Yet other ways for coin dealers to sell their coins is to send emails to other coin dealers advertising what they have or to go direct to the collectors and sell what they have.

Prices of the coins and the profit which coin dealers get from sales vary from coin to coin and also from buyer to buyer. The more common coins usually get low prices while the exceptional items get a mark up price of around 10- 30 percent depending on the condition and rarity of the item. Coin dealers do not always get a rare or mint condition coin often so when they do, they try to get the highest possible price they can get for it.
Coin dealers must have the right connections and the right client list to be able to make a huge profit from the business; otherwise they will just have to settle for making margin profits with the more common coins.

Choosing Coin Dealers

When choosing a coin dealer, make sure you are familiar with range of prices of the coins that you wish to buy. It would also be a good idea to get to know your chosen coin dealer first before making any purchases. It is also wise to bear in mind that the profit that coin dealers could make from your purchase does not matter as long as the price of the coin you want to purchase is around the right range. Buyers must also find out the reputation of the coin dealers they wish to transact business with because sometimes some dealers may have already acquired a bad reputation for selling hot items or items which are not graded properly. Find out from other coin collectors who are familiar with the dealer before venturing out to purchase something.



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