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Internet Addiction: A Hoax Or A Real Mental Disorder?

Many experts have declined to comment on the status of the internet addiction disorder for a long time. Actually, the internet addiction disorder started as a satirical hoax made by Ivan Goldberg sometime in 1995. It was not really intended to be part of the wide array of disorders that threaten the modern person’s sanity at that time but as move on into the digital era, the very idea of internet addiction as a form of diseases is no longer remote. In fact, many health professionals are now convinced that too much attachment or destructive type of dependency on the internet can already be classified as a form of disease. Yes, there are still a lot of criticisms and discussions to be resolved before this type of disorder can be included in the books but the possibility that this type of disorder will indeed become a leading form of mental disorder in our generation is not really remote.

Who Are Internet Addicts?

People who work online and spend so much time working in front of their computers are not exactly what you may call as internet addicts. Internet addiction is much more than just spending some time online trying to earn a living. In fact, even if you spend several hours surfing the net but you do feel this obsessive need to be online most of the time, you cannot really say that you are already an addict. We must understand that addiction is a strong word and before you can say that you are addicted to something, you must have that uncontrollable and insatiable craving for that something. Internet addiction therefore should be viewed in a more complex manner than just simple need to be online most of the time.

When exactly can you be considered as an internet addict? According to some experts, internet addiction happens when one becomes dependent on some aspects of the internet. Having a pathological relationship with some specific online sires such as those online gambling, online auctions, adult sites and others can actually make one an internet addict. A lot of people who are hooked on these sites often become agitated and restless if they cannot log into the internet and check out these sites during the day. In fact, some people are known to spend long hours on these sites that they often forget some themselves.

In most cases, internet addicts face their computer the whole night that they can no longer function well during the day. According to some experts, denying this person access to the internet may result to extreme anxiety and withdrawal symptoms.



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