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Coffee Addiction

Coffee Addiction: Why People Should Give Up Drinking Coffee

Coffee addiction is a very common nowadays. Many of us could not really function well without a cup of coffee especially in the morning. Coffee can certainly boost our energy and can keep us alert. However, the perks that coffee can offer the body do have their price. If you are one of those people who cannot live without a cup of coffee in the morning, you might want to look closely at your coffee drinking habits.

According to experts, coffee addiction can have some really bad consequences on your body. An overdose in caffeine can lead to irritability, headaches, mood swings, and difficulty in concentrating, insomnia and diminished productivity. On extreme cases, coffee addiction can cause heart diseases, hypoglycemia, cancer and disorders in the nervous system. Yes, coffee does have some positive impacts on the body and it can even help fight Parkinson’s disease but if you take a look at the full equation, the negative effects of coffee outweigh the positive.

Getting Off The Brew

Coffee addiction, like any other types of addiction can be quite difficult to shake off. According to experts, once our bodies get used to caffeine, it will crave for caffeine everyday. The craving can s0 very difficult to suppress at times that for some people, no matter how they try to give up drinking coffee, they always find themselves lining up in front of the coffee machine, eager to get their serving for the day. However, the good news is that it is not impossible to give up your daily dose of caffeine. You just have to be patient and very creative in diverting your attention from the brew.

One of the best ways to get over coffee addiction is to divert your attention from coffee. Find a substitute for coffee. For instance, instead of drinking coffee, you might want to go shift to drinking tea. However, you have to be careful in choosing your tea. Note that some types of tea contain huge amounts of caffeine so be careful. To make sure that your tea does not contain lots of caffeine, go for green tea. Green tea is known for its mild flavors and medicinal value.

If you do not like green tea, you may want to try some other forms of coffee substitute. There are many coffee substitutes being sold in the market today. You may sample some of those products that use ingredients such as beetroot, almost, fig, corn and the likes.



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