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Coin Counter

The Advantages of Buying A Coin Counter

Manually counting coins everyday can be quite tedious and boring not to mention a great waste of valuable time. If you happen to own a laundry or a car wash business which accepts coins as payment, manually counting your daily sales will probably take up most of your time. When your business starts picking up, you will definitely be swamped to many coins in one day that it would be difficult for you to keep on counting your coins manually. To save time and effort in counting all those coins, you should buy a coin counter. A coin counter will help you save a lot of time and effort in counting your money at the end of the day.

Choosing The Right Coin Counter

There are different types of coin counters that are being sold in the market today. To make sure that you buy the right coin counter for your business, you should first evaluate your needs before you get one. For instance, if you work in a place where you do not have easy access to electricity, it would be a good idea for you to buy one of those portable manually operated counters. The good thing about the portable manually operated coin counter is that you can work with it just about anywhere. On the other hand, the disadvantage of using a portable manual counter is that you will have to provide the muscle to get things going. Using a manually operated counter is more laborious compared to the automatic or the electrically powered counter.

Coin Counter And Sorter

If your business accepts more than one coin denomination, it would be a good idea to get a coin counter and sorter. Note that a machine that is purely designed to count coins will not really sort the coins. If you happen to feed nickels, dimes and quarters into the machine, the machine will not really tell you how much dimes, nickels and quarters are there. To make your job easier, you should buy a coin counter and sorter. Although this type of machine will cost you a big higher than if you buy just a coin counter, the good news is that you will no longer need to manually sort the coins before you feed them into the machine for counting.

How accurate is the coin counter and sorter? This type of machine uses the weight, size and shape of the coin to determine which one goes to which bag. In most cases, these machines are very accurate so you do not have to worry about losing your money.



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