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Alcohol And Insomnia

Alcohol And Insomnia: To Drink Or Not To Drink

Alcohol and insomnia had been closely linked together in many studies. According to experts, alcohol does have some strange reactions on people. There are those people who feel drowsy after drinking alcoholic beverages and there are those who become hyperactive after a glass of alcoholic drink. For people who become hyper active after drinking alcoholic beverages, the effects of alcohol and insomnia usually manifested itself almost immediately.

For instance, if you are one of those people who love to party, you can easily notice how you loosen up and become more adventurous after a few drinks. The surge of energy brought about by alcoholic beverages is usually welcome if you party occasionally but it you make a habit of staying late at night partying, the effect could be quite bad for your health. The combination of alcohol and insomnia can weaken your immune system thus you will be less able to fight off infections, viruses and other forms of diseases.

On the other hand, people who feel drowsy after drinking alcoholic beverages do not actually escape from the effects of alcohol and insomnia. Although these people do fall asleep after drinking, they almost always end up sleeping fitfully. According to studies, alcohol can keep the person in the light stages of sleep that the slightest disturbance could awaken that person. Technically, not being able to sleep and sleeping fitfully have almost the same effect on the body. In most cases, the person who slept very lightly the night before will wake up tired and ill-tempered.

Should We Avoid Alcohol All Together To Avoid Insomnia?

Although a lot of people insist that drinking alcoholic beverages is bad for the body, studies show that our bodies do need alcohol. According to experts, alcohol, when taken in moderation, may be able to prevent certain types of diseases. In fact, certain types of medicines contain traces of alcohol in them. To avoid incidents of insomnia that are related to alcohol intake, one should be mindful of his or her reaction to alcohol.

The effects of alcohol and insomnia can easily be prevented if the person is careful about the things that he or she ingests. Furthermore, since alcohol may interact with some types of medicines, one should be extra careful about drinking alcoholic beverages when they are on medication. People who are taking sleep pills are especially cautioned not to take alcoholic beverages because alcohol can interfere with the effect of the pills.



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