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Chocolate Addiction

Is There Such A Thing As Chocolate Addiction?

A lot of jokes are made about chocolate addiction. (“Ooo, she’s cranky – better give her some chocolate!”) There are even desserts listed in popular chain restaurants as “Death By Chocolate”. But are there actually people who have a psychological compulsion to eat chocolate, even if they are allergic to it? Debate still exists in the medical world as to whether there is such a thing as chocolate addiction. But everyone agrees that there are such things found in chocolate that you can become addicted to – sugar, fat and caffeine.

Women More Affected

Although it is a popular joke that you can get to any woman’s good side with a box of Godiva or a pint of Ben and Jerry’s, women do crave chocolate more than men. This is thought to be due to the hormonal tidal waves women go through every month as part of their normal menstrual cycles. These cravings are especially intense during the pre-menstrual time.

Chocolate does contain similar chemicals that mimic the same chemicals the brain puts out when they are experiencing the sensation commonly known as “being in love”. Chocolate is also associated with rewards, good times and celebrations in most societies. When someone claims they have a chocolate addiction, they have become dependent on the whole chocolate experience in order to feel good about themselves.

Not Dangerous, But Harmful

Those with a serious chocolate addiction problem consume staggering amounts of chocolate, such as two or more bags of fun-size candy, per day. Chocolate was only meant to be a small part of our diets. When your diet becomes mainly chocolate, you risk some serious health problems, including obesity, chronic fatigue, mood swings, tooth decay, diabetes, insomnia and heart problems.

Although chocolate alone won’t kill you, a chocolate addiction or dependency can seriously compromise your quality of life. For example, eating an enormous amount of chocolate every day will condition your body to high levels of caffeine, especially if you also drink cola or coffee. Just the caffeine alone will interrupt your sleep patterns and make you feel tired all of the time.

You Can Beat This

In overcoming your chocolate addiction, you need to see a doctor for help and advice for proper nutrition or any dietary supplements you might need. Since you probably get comfort from chocolate, you need to nourish your spirit on other ways of handling stress, such as walking, meditation, taking up a hobby or being creative. Having a regular exercise routine will not only distract you from your cravings, but can also help you manage your stress better.



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