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Different Types Of Hearing Aids

Understanding The Different Types Of Hearing Aids

Your doctor has decided that it’s time to consider a hearing aid. But how do you know how to choose between the different types of hearing aids? Your doctor should tell you which type of aid will work best for you; but ultimately, only you can decide which of the types of hearing aids is going to be the most comfortable for you.

The Three Different Types Of Hearing Aids

Although there are many different manufacturers of hearings aids, there are really only three different types of hearing aids: behind the ear hearing aids, or BTE aids; in the ear hearing aids, or ITE aids; and in the canal hearing aids, or ITC aids. Each of the different types of hearing aids are different sizes, and amplify sounds differently as well.

The first of the different types of hearing aids we will look at are BTE aids. A BTE aid is worn behind the ear with a wire that connects to an earmold worn inside the outer ear. The hard plastic case contains the electronics, and sound is transmitted through the wire into the earmold. BTE’s have been recommended for hearing impaired people of all ages, and can be used at all levels of hearing loss; from only a minor impairment, to more severe hearing loss.

A second type of BTE has become available in recent years, called the open fit hearing aid.. The plastic case still rests behind the ear; but instead of an earmold, a small tube is inserted inside the ear canal. Many users of BTE aids seem to prefer the open fit aids due to increased sound quality.

The second of the types of hearing aids is the ITE aid. ITE aids fit into the outer ear, and are generally not recommended for children because they must be replaced often as the child grows. The electronic components of ITE aids are completely encased in a hard plastic shell that it placed into the outer ear. ITE aids also typically come equipped with a device called a telecoil, which enables easier telephone use.

The last of the three type of hearing aids are the ITC aids. ITC’s are custom made to fit the exact size of the wearers ear canal. Another type of ITC is a CIC, or completely in canal aid. These aids are virtually hidden inside the ear canal. These types of hearing aids are not generally recommended for severe hearing loss because their small size limits their amplification power. ITC’s are also not recommended for children.

Whether your hearing loss is severe or mild, there are many types of hearing aids for you to choose from that will help you to hear the sounds you miss much better.



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