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Agitated Depression

The Dangers Of Agitated Depression

Depression is a disorder that can affect different people in different ways, and while most people seem to associate this disorder with feelings of sadness or withdrawing, there are different sorts of depression that exist. One of the ways that depression might manifest itself differently is when a person also is suffering from symptoms of anxiety, creating a condition that is known as agitated depression. It is important to know the signs of agitated depression, since it is considered to a be a potentially dangerous form of this disorder.

Mixing Problems

Though depression does most often manifest itself as sadness, a desire to withdraw, and other such feelings, the feeling of panic is what makes for conditions of agitated depression. These symptoms are often very uncomfortable for the sufferer, since it often includes feelings of restlessness, such as the inability to sit still or the need to pace. So while in typical depression, people tend to almost slow down, the result in agitated depression is the opposite.

The Suicide Problem

One of the most dangerous problems associated with agitated depression is that there is a higher risk of suicide. While experiencing depression along with feelings of anxiety, the body tends to put forth more of the hormones that cause people to physically feel stress, which in turn can cause people to want to act out to end their suffering. This is one reason why if you know someone with this disorder, you should be sure that they're getting some help for their problem.

Similarities To Male Depression

In many ways, agitated depression is very similar to male depression. In many males, depression is marked by a sense of irritability, restlessness, and anger, which resembles agitated depression in many ways. Part of this can be attributed to the sense of stress that some men feel at their depression, feeling that it's not manly to have such feelings. Those feelings cause a sort of anxiety, which then works with the depression to create symptoms similar to agitated depression.

Treating The Disorder

The good news is that treatments of agitated depression are similar to the treatments of both depression and anxiety disorders, and because it's often common for anxiety and depression to exist alongside each other, doctors are used to treating it. Most of the standard treatments, such as lifestyle changes and medication apply. However, the problem with agitated depression is that it often makes it harder for that depression to go into remission, which results in a longer treatment period. So if you do know someone suffering from signs of agitated depression, it's a good idea to get them to help so they can start the road to remission as soon as possible.



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