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Guide to Programmable Digital Hearing Aids

There are four different categories of hearing loss: central, conductive, sensorineural, and mixed. Before you can find a proper hearing aid device, you need to have your hearing problem diagnosed and assessed by a medical professional.

With all the different types of hearing aids to choose from, the selection process can be rather difficult and even overwhelming. However there are a few points which, if taken seriously into consideration, will be able to dramatically ease this process for you.

How Hearing Aids Work

All hearing aids, regardless of whether they are analog or digital, are specifically designed to increase the loudness of sounds that are reaching the ear drum so that the wearer is able to better understand noises and speech.

In order to accomplish this, there are several basic components that all hearing aid devices must have, which are: a microphone that is used to gather sound waves in the air and convert them from acoustic energy into electrical energy, an amplifier to increase the strength of the electrical energy, and a receiver which is like a miniature speaker that converts the electrical energy back into acoustic energy.

The Options

There are basically two different types of hearing aids that you have to choose from: conventional hearing aids and programmable digital hearing aids. Conventional and programmable digital hearing aids differ in both the amount and degree of adjustments that the hearing instrument dispenser can perform on the hearing device.

When compared to their conventional counterparts, the programmable digital hearing aids provide greater fitting flexibility, meaning that the dispenser is able to more readily change the way that a programmable analog hearing device operates through the use of an office computer.

As well, programmable digital hearing aids tend to be more durable and even, for the most part, are more affordable. Digital hearing instruments are truly a breakthrough in hearing aid technology, and the digital manipulation technology used in these hearing aids allows each and every hearing instrument to be more accurately programmed for each individual hearing loss problem.

These programmable digital hearing aids take the continuous sound wave and break it up into smaller, more discrete bits of information. Not only do they work by digitalizing the sound, but as well these hearing aids offer differences in terms of exactly how the sound is processed and amplified. These more sophisticated digital hearing instruments are able to amplify even the softest sounds of speech while at the same time working to remove all unwanted noises.



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