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Hubble Space Telescope

The Good And The Bad About The Hubble Space Telescope

Telescopes are the main tool used for viewing objects that are far away. With this in mind, it is no wonder why man's curiosity of space led to the creation of the Hubble space telescope.

What The Hubble Space Telescope Is

This telescope is positioned outside of the Earth's orbit so that it can orbit Earth. From this position it is able to capture vivid photographs of objects, regardless of how small they are. This is very beneficial to astronomers.

What The Hubble Space Telescope Has Meant To Science

Since the creation of the Hubble space telescope in 1990, there has been significant advancements made in the field of science. There have also been many innovative observations obtained and explanations made. Those people who have worked upon these things have said that they would not have been able to make these advancements without the help of the Hubble space telescope. Furthermore, thanks to this telescope scientists are now able to understand astrophysics.

Problems That Have Occurred With The Hubble Space Telescope

Even with all of the great things that have occurred because of the Hubble space telescope this telescope has had its fair share of problems.

The idea for this telescope was developed in 1946. However, it was delayed until 1990 due to constraints in both resources and funding. Once the idea was launched in 1990 another problem occurred with its main mirror, which was unable to deliver a really good performance.

In 1993 the telescope underwent some more repairs. It was at this time that the telescope was revived so that it could continue to provide research about astronomy for scientists. However, nobody is certain if these repairs will help this telescope to continue to operate properly. For this reason, NASA is still considering launching yet another repair mission. However, they cannot determine if this would be a worthwhile mission because its success is uncertain. This is because a robotics mission is not a guarantee and a repair mission by astronauts definitely would not be a good idea.

The Future Of The Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble space telescope is expected to reenter the Earth's atmosphere after 2010. Three years after this occurs, the James Webb telescope is set to be launched. However, this telescope is only able to observe infrared thus severely limiting its capabilities in comparison to the Hubble space telescope. Of course, other groundbreaking telescopes with higher resolutions have also been created. Unfortunately none of these telescopes has been as sensitive, or more sensitive than, the Hubble space telescope when it comes to discernible wavelengths.



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