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Italian Wine Gift Baskets

Give the Gift of Italy – A Wine Basket

There are many different types of wine, and each can be classified in different ways. Wine can be classified by pairing, by grape, or by region—and Italy has some of the most famous wine regions in the world. Italian wine is so popular, it is no wonder that Italian wine baskets are popular gifts for any occasion. As a general rule, you can never go wrong with Italian wine, so a gift basket containing a bottle is sure to go over well no matter who it is intended for.

Go with a List That You Will Love

If you want to create a gift basket filled with Italian wines, the least you can do is purchase a few bottles of the best. The complete list of Italian wines that would go great in a gift basket is comprehensive and overwhelming. However, there are some particular wines that stand apart from the rest. Great Italian wines are not hard to come by, but a few favorites include: Frascati, Orvieto, Soave, Spumante, Ramitello, Vitiano, Pinot Grigio, Primativo, and Sangiovese.

Taking It One Step Further with Regions if Excellence

Italy contains many wine-making regions, and within each is a particularly reputable vineyard. In Rome, for example, Lazio is a well known vineyard. Other vineyards of interest are Veneto in Venice, Lombardy in Milan, Liguria in Genova, Campania in Naples, and Tuscany in Florence.

Knowing these special regions can be helpful because it can guide you when purchasing an Italian wine gift basket. If you are willing to spend a lot of money on this gift, then it would be well worth it to order it from an authentic Italian vineyard. In today’s world, this can be done easily enough over the Internet.

A Special Treat

The best Italian wine is not found in a basket or a store—it is found at a gourmet Italian restaurant. A top notch Italian restaurant will offer an extensive wine list with only the best—and it is a gift certificate to such a restaurant that will make the best gift.

To really surprise the recipient of your Italian wine gift basket, purchase a reasonably priced bottle of Italian wine from your local supermarket. Then, add a gift certificate to a classy Italian restaurant. The combination of the two will make a great gift that the receiver will not be quick to forget.

A Dose of Italy

Depending on your price range and resources, it is possible to take a typical Italian wine gift basket and make it something to remember.



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