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Causes Of Memory Loss

There Are Many Causes Of Memory Loss

When you are wondering about the causes of memory loss, it is important to understand what memories are and where they are stored. When you or someone near you suffers from memory loss, it can be a symptom of another problem or it can be simple aging. The causes of memory loss can be serious so it is important to understand how memory loss occurs.

Your memories are a part of you. Memories have helped to form your personality. Memories play a huge part in our daily life because of their significance in everything that we do. We have to use our memory to phone to call each other or to decide what we want to have for lunch.

Your Brain, Senses And Memory

Your memory is stored in your brain. You experience the world with your senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. In this way, your memories are associated with your senses. You remember seeing a place, hearing a voice, smelling a fragrance, tasting a food or touching something. If you see a place where you have had a previous experience, it can jog a memory.

Short Term And Long Term Memory

Your memory is stored in two ways as either short-term memories or long term or remote memory. Your short-term memory is easily invoked. You can remember whether you kissed your spouse goodbye or not because this short-term memory is easily retrieved.

Your remote memory will keep memories that are important to you. Despite the distance in time of events that happened in the past, memorable moments such as the day that your child was born or the first car that you bought. Some memories will remain in the memory until we are ready to let them go.

Causes of Memory Loss

If your brain changes or is injured from sickness or an injury, your memory can be affected. Examples of diseases, illness and conditions that can cause memory loss include alcoholism, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, low-blood sugar, low estrogen levels hypothyroidism, depression, dementia and strokes.

Head injury, free-radical damage, chemical poisoning, brain inflammation, infections in the central nervous system, and effects of drugs can also cause memory loss. Oxygen deprivation, such as that suffered because of heart attack, surgery, stroke or head trauma, can cause memory loss. Other causes of memory loss include nutritional deficiency, structural abnormalities, stress, sensory overload, genetic factors, seizures and severe emotional trauma.

Understanding the causes of memory loss will help you to determine the cause of memory loss when it occurs. The causes of memory loss are varied and your awareness of the types of causes will help you to recognize memory loss.



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