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HDTV Comparison

Making a HDTV Comparison to Find the Best One

If you are considering buying a HDTV you will probably have been overwhelmed by the models and information out there. Every store will be pushing the latest and most expensive model on you claiming that this is the best model out there. As true with all technology, the next HDTV will probably be better than the model that came before it. However that doesn't mean that you can't find a HDTV that fits your budget but still makes your entertainment experience great. You can make a HDTV comparison by doing a little research and testing out models in a store near you.

LCD or Plasma?

There are two types of HDTV that dominate the market, LCD and plasma HDTV. A comparison of LCD and Plasma HDTV models will make them both seem similar. There are a few differences and when you make a HDTV comparison you will notice the subtle differences that will go towards helping you find the better TV. If you make a comparison of HDTV performance in a darkened room you will find that they both do exceptionally well. However there is a slight difference in brightly lit rooms, an LCD HDTV does better in bright rooms. During the day you may find that the detail and vivid colors on your plasma HDTV is not as bright as it is at night.

When making a comparison of HDTV color and image quality you will find that there is a subtle difference in LCD models. LCD models have a better color quality but this can fade over time as the LCD back lights dim. You will have to replace the back light to regain the picture quality that you first had when you bought your TV. This can be a real problem, however some brands have developed back lights that have a long life span so that you don't have to worry about this.

In terms of viewing angles the Plasma HDTV is better in comparison to the LCD HDTV. At some angles the crisp details may be lost on an LCD HDTV. The images may seem gray and faded and the colors may look slightly different. Older LCD models also had the problem of blurring when watching fast motions. However newer models have largely managed to overcome this problem. If you have decided to go for an LCD model make sure that this feature is one that your LCD HDTV has.



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