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Aromatherapy Body Lotion

Make Your Own Aromatherapy Body Lotion

There's nothing wrong with buying commercially made aromatherapy body lotions. Just be sure you can use it all up before it goes off. And you need to know how strong the scent is. If it is too strong, then you'll need to either use a very small amount or blend it with an unscented baby body lotion. If you do not have any aromatherapy oils about, then you will have no choice but to go for ready made aromatherapy body lotions.

What To Do With Those Oils?

But if you do have one or more bottles of aromatherapy essential oils, then you want to get your money's worth by using them in as many pleasant ways as you can think of. One of the easiest ways to make the most of expensive essential oils is to make small batches of aromatherapy body lotion. You usually wind up spending less than getting commercially made aromatherapy body lotions.

Let's Stink In A Pretty Way

You need to know whether your essential oil is pure or diluted. You can use either one in making aromatherapy body lotions, but you will need a lot more of the diluted oils. You also need a base unscented body lotion. Believe it or not, they still sell this in drug stores and sometimes department stores. Ideally, you want a lotion very much like a baby lotion – usually white and creamy.

All you need to do is take a small handful of the lotion and pour in a couple of drops of your chosen aromatherapy oil. You can mix oils if you want to. However, don’t have more than 10% of your aromatherapy body lotion be oil. That will be too strong and can make you itch.

Also, please do some research on the aromatherapy oil you have. Know what this oil is supposed to do to you. If you want to seduce a man, wearing marjoram aromatherapy body lotion is a big no-no. Why? Because marjoram, despite it's spicy scent, is a proven anaphropdisiac (which is the exact opposite of an aphrodisiac).

Test Patch

Before you slather your entire body with your home-made aromatherapy body lotion, you should do a test patch first. Make the tiniest little bit and apply it to your elbows, arms or a part of your limb that you can easily put medicine on in case something goes wrong. Leave it on for 24 hours, even after it is completely absorbed by the skin. Ideally, nothing bad should happen to that patch in the next 24 hours.



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