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Encinitas Sleep Apnea Doctor

Encinitas Sleep Apnea Doctor Can Help Find Right Treatment

When a person is suffering the symptoms of sleep apnea, it may not always be apparent as to what is causing the problem. Many of the symptoms are the same, even with obstructive sleep apnea and if a person believes they are having difficulty sleeping, in the San Diego area they can arrange to visit an Encinitas sleep apnea doctor to determine their individual needs. Typically, obstructive sleep apnea does not strike all at once, rather it develops over time and in some cases is ignored by the patient until a bedmate demands they do something about their disruptive snoring.

However, not all sleep apnea is accompanied by snoring. Others signs that a person is suffering from disruptive sleep patterns can be waking up groggy in the mornings and feeling tired all the following day. Having trouble concentrating on normal daily tasks is another symptom to discuss with an Encinitas sleep apnea doctor.

In some cases alignment of the jaw may be causing a person to have trouble sleeping during the night and a dental device to help maintain proper alignment may be needed. By visiting an Encinitas sleep apnea doctor, they will probably recommend a night's stay in a sleep lab where specialists can provide a proper diagnosis of what is causing the sleep apnea. The Encinitas sleep apnea doctor can then provide the appropriate treatment.

Different Devices Produce Different Results

Depending on the cause of the sleep apnea, one of the 16 FDA approved dental devices may provide the relief needed. However, many of the Encinitas sleep apnea doctors also work with dentists to help fit the patient with the right device. Additionally, to determine if a device is providing effective treatment, a second night in the sleep lab may be necessary. This would insure that the treatment method selected is effective for the type of apnea suffered by the patient.

If the apnea is caused by the soft tissue in the back of throat closing and blocking the airway, a continuous positive airway pressure mask may be prescribed. Again, it will require a night in the sleep lab to make the diagnosis and affect an effective treatment method. Masks are available to cover only the mouth or full-face masks that cover the mouth and the nose and is useful for those who cannot breath through their nose w hile they sleep. The type of mask needed will be determined by the Encinitas sleep apnea doctor.



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