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Digital Photography

Digital Photography Opens Field To Countless Amateurs

When taking pictures today with digital photography it is almost guaranteed that the picture will come out reasonable close to being technically correct. While composition and posing is still the task of the photographer, there is little left to chance with most of the automatic cameras in use. Additionally, with digital photography the picture can be viewed nearly instantaneously and if there is something wring with the exposure, it can be deleted from memory and shot again.

Digital photography has introduced a whole new generation to photography and took it out of the hands of the professional and put it into the hands of even the youngest and most inexperienced people. Between camera phones and digital cameras connected to home computers, the use of digital photography continues to explode. Instead of hauling about rolls or canisters of film, photographers can carry small memory chips that can hold as many pictures on a one-inch square disk as they could on about 30 rolls of film.

There is also no need to run to the drug store and wait for the pictures to be processed. The camera or memory storage device can be connected to the home computer and viewed immediately. There is no going back to the store for a refund for the prints that did not come out right, they can simply be deleted with a key stroke. With digital photography, the pictures can be easily enhanced and cropped on the computer before ever hitting the printer.

Determining The Real From The Manipulated

When film photography was at its peak, airbrushing was a popular and often time-consuming technique of enhancing pictures or in removing an unwanted element of a print. With today's digital photography, photo processing software can make an expert of nearly everyone at producing top quality pictures. It is often difficult to determine pictures that were manipulated on the computer with the real thing.

Digital photography has also made photo storage and sorting so much easier. Instead of spending weeks around a table with photo albums and tape or glue, photos can be sorted by name or event and filed into separate files on the home computer. At any time, these digital memories can be recalled an printed if and when needed.

It is also more fun to look at pictures from a digital photography album as it can be transferred to a compact disk with music added and viewed through most DVD players. Instead of one or two at a time looking at photo albums, the entire family can enjoy the digital photography albums played on the family TV.



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