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Boys Short Term Memory Loss

Boys Short Term Memory Loss Does Affect Little Children And Is Treatable As Well

Contrary to popular conceptions, boy’s short term memory loss is just as real a problem in children as is short term memory in adults. So, if you were like many others who believed that memory loss was something that only adults suffered from, you may be surprised to learn that it also affects boys as well as young children. And, if you are wondering just why boy’s short term memory loss is a reality, you can be sure that it can come about because of low self esteem in your little boy, or even because of his not being confident enough.

Possible Reasons Include Hearing And Sight Problems

However, boy’s short term memory loss can also occur because of hearing or sight problems and unlike the memory loss that is experienced by adults, boy’s short term memory loss is something that your boy mostly won’t even realize is a problem with him. Thus, as a parent, you need to closely monitor your boy to see whether there is any problem with his memory or not, because the boy himself will not be able to inform you about it on his own.

To study the phenomenon of boy’s short term memory loss, many studies have been undertaken that have touched on various possible reasons including the relationship between language and short term memory loss as well as problems with speech development in young boys. What’s more, many of these studies on boy’s short term memory loss have actually been able to conclude that there is indeed a connection between language and speech development problems and the boy’s short term memory loss.

However, there is not any one single treatment that can help solve boy’s short term memory loss though the most effective means of treating the condition would be for the parent to get the boy to use certain techniques that help children retain what they learn. Also, your boy must be physically as well as mentally active and he should also be made to interact with other children of his own age.

You should also try and wean your little boy away from the TV and computer and instead, get him to do activities that are proven in helping with improving short term memory. In fact, there are numerous games that help in improving short term memory that are specially designed to aid in improving boy’s short term memory loss, and because such games are neither too expensive or complex, they can be used by boys of any age.

Thus, whenever you notice your boy becoming forgetful without a valid reason or his work at school begins to noticeably deteriorate, you would be right in suspecting that it was a case of boy’s short term memory loss and thus you need to show him to a doctor at the very earliest, if only to ensure that it is not due to another health problem and to also get a treatment prescribed in good time.



Ali1 said...

My boy has trouble in recalling anything that he has done either in the morning or the afternoon, whereas the other children are recounting what has happened at school. He is on the autistic spectrum and is 4 1/2 years old, he has reasonable language, and I originally thought this problem was his language problem but it looks like a problem with short term memory, so presumably I should take him to see a GP?

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