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Ambien Memory Loss

Ambien, Memory Loss and The Risk of Activities That Are Done While Sleeping

There are serious risks associated with the use of Ambien. Memory loss, performing activities while sleeping and feeling under the influence of the drug on the day after taking Ambien are side-effects that may happen to some users of Ambien. Memory loss that is associated with activities carried out while sleeping can be potentially dangerous.

Strong Medication With Potential And Serious Side Effects

As a sedative-hypnotic medicine, Ambien maybe prescribed by physicians to patients who are suffering from an inability to stay sleeping, waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep. A patient should become informed about all the side effects and their potential risks before taking Ambien. Memory loss is a serious condition that can affect the safety of anyone involved.

There is a potential risk to personal and public safety when a person takes Ambien if that person has side effects such as complex sleep related behavior, lingering effects of Ambien and memory loss. There have been reports of people who cook and binge eat while sleeping. Later on, the person has no memory of the episode at all. Other reports include complex-sleep related actions such as sleep walking , sleep driving and having intimate relations while sleeping.

Amnesia And Lingering Effects

The person will not remember the events that were experience while the person was in a sleeping state of consciousness. In some events, the person wakes up the next day and goes on their daily routine without any memory of the events at all. In one case, a doctor did the morning rounds to patients and did not remember doing this activity.

Further, an Ambien user may feel the effects of the sleep inducing drug the next day. This can interfere with daily activities such as driving. It is not surprising that there are reports of accidents occurring to Ambien users on the day after they have taken the medication.

Stronger Warnings Are Necessary

Ambien is manufactured by Sanofi Aventis and in 2007, the company was ordered to issue stronger warnings on the Ambien labels. Zolpidem tartrate is the active ingredient in this sleep medication. The warnings are meant to inform consumers about the serious potential sides effects, including temporary memory loss, also known as amnesia that can be associated with complex-sleep related activities.

Ambien and memory loss is being studied because the issue is very important for public safety. Ambien is a strong drug and consumers should question the need to take a drug that induces both sleep and a hypnotic state. It is in the best interests of consumers to seek knowledge about sedative-hypnotic drugs before taking them as a cure for insomnia. It is up to consumers to become informed about Ambien, memory loss and the risks involved with taking Ambien.



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