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Del Mar Sleep Apnea Doctor

Del Mar Sleep Apnea Doctor; Finding The Right Treatment

Sleep apnea is a condition that is suffered by many. Most patients are not even aware that they have a medical problem as the symptoms seem to be somewhat benign. Sleep apnea symptoms include such broad problems as snoring, sore throats, being tired during the day and even morning headaches. All of these conditions can be explained away by other problems like a dry climate or restless sleeping.

Sleep apnea can be caused by the brain's signals to control breathing being interrupted or by the muscles within the throat relaxing and causing the throat to narrow in size and restrict the air flow. If a patient has sleep apnea, they are not getting a good nights rest. With sleep apnea, the brain realizes that the body has stopped breathing and wakes a person up to get their breathing pattern back on track. This may not even be noticed by a patient, or in more serious cases they may realize they are waking up at night.

Finding A Del Mar Sleep Apnea Doctor

There are many physicians that deal with sleep apnea. A Del Mar sleep apnea doctor can be located by either going on-line or looking through local telephone directories. A Del Mar sleep apnea doctor may be experienced in diagnosing sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. A Del Mar sleep apnea doctor may work in a clinic that specializes in working with all types of sleep disorders and can be the best choice when dealing with sleep apnea.

A Del Mar sleep apnea doctor may request that you come in for a physical and answer questions in regards to your nightly habits. Some Del Mar sleep apnea doctors may suggest a patient loose weight or even stop smoking as ways to deal with sleep apnea. Before getting diagnoses of sleep apnea though, patients may be required to spend an evening at the sleep clinic where they will be fully evaluated during the night. They will be monitored and this information will give the doctors a good idea of what is happening during the night.

This information will show a doctor if a patient is experiencing sleep apnea that is impacted their oxygen flow during the night. This restricted flow of oxygen can become a serious problem and needs to be dealt with.

A Del Mar sleep apnea doctor will be able to recommend some treatment options after a diagnosis is made. Patients can have full and happy lives even when they have sleep apnea.



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