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Tricks On How To Improve Memory

Learning Simple Tricks On How To Improve Memory

There are two main causes of what can called a bad memory, aging and information overload. No matter what tag is placed on the loss of recall of recent events, the underlying cause is how the information is stored in the first place. Aging has long been associated with short term memory loss, often simply accepted as the cause. While some of that may be due to the early stages of senility or Alzheimer's Disease, people can learn how to improve memory function and improve their quality of life.

People have different ways of learning how to do things, including by reading and by doing. Instructions on how to perform simple tasks or to assemble complicated items usually include pictures along with the written instructions. If it is something that will be done repeatedly, most people learn how to improve memory by reading the instructions while looking at the pictures. This confirms that what the mind reads, the brain can see.

Visualization is one of the key learning methods that help people retain information over a long period. Short term memory is designed to temporarily store information until it can be sorted into the proper order before being placed in the brain's main storage areas. Learning how to improve memory may be as easy as learning how the information is initially received.

Breaking Memories Into Smaller Pieces

One of the most common methods used when learning how to improve memory is breaking the information down into memorable pieces. Phone numbers for example, are rarely given as a 10-digit string. They are broken down in three sets of numbers, the area code, the first three number followed by the four numbers. The mind is able to better relate to the small pieces of information and, may even be able to ignore the area code if it is also their own.

Using the right filing system at home or in the office makes finding important papers easier as the user knows where to look. It is a similar situation with information received by the brain in its short term memory. First, the user typically only accepts information they deem to be important. In order to learn how to improve memory the information then has to be sorted in such a manner that recall is not only easy but is also possible.

Lists of names and numbers are easy to receive and store if the person knows how to improve memory by placing a visual associated with each item on the list. From the visuals a story can be thought up and easily remembered with different parts of the story serving as a reminder for each item on the list.



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