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Causes Of Short Term Memory Loss

Some Of The Major Causes Of Short Term Memory Loss Outlined

When a person starts to become forgetful, it is important for them to first of all understand the causes of short term memory loss and then to take proper action to treat it because it could otherwise cause problems at work as well as at home. Memories are something that everyone cherishes and whatever a person achieves in life is evaluated against their ability to recall those relationships, skills triumphs and failures. Thus, by tapping into the vast store of memories, a person can look back and evaluate one’s origins as well as the direction that he or she will take in the times to come and thus live a better life.

Aging Is The Most Commonly Cited Cause

However, though short term memory loss has been researched extensively in order to understand the different causes of short term memory loss, there is no denying the fact that as we reach the twilight years in life, the capability to remember things that occurred just thirty minutes ago diminishes and so aging is often considered as being a natural cause of short term memory loss and thus is not something to be overly worried about.

Besides aging, there are other causes of short term memory loss that have to do with imbalance in the chemicals in the brain and there are also environmental factors as well as food pollutants that can also be considered as being causes of short term memory loss. It has also been found that a deficiency of nutrition can play a major role in causes of short term memory loss because a brain that does not get proper nutrition will not be able to function to the best of its capabilities.

However, though it is easy to consider the causes of short term memory loss as being old age, there are several more causes of short term memory loss that need to be considered as well. Alzheimer’s disease can also result in short term memory loss and it may even be accompanied by dementia for which a cure has yet to be found.

Elevated blood sugar levels can make a person lose his short term memory while low blood sugar levels can make a person feel groggy as well as sleepy and thus contributes to short term memory loss.

Also, when there is hormonal imbalance there is every chance that a person will lose his or her ability to remember things that took place about a half an hour ago. In addition, the stressful lives that people are living in these modern times is can also be considered as being causes of short term memory loss because people can get depressed easily and then will take medications to relieve their depression which in turn could cause short term memory loss.



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