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Aromatherapy Benefits

Aromatherapy Benefits the Psychological and Physical

For thousands of years, the use of essential oils in aromatherapy has been used for a variety of ailments and injuries such as nausea, cuts, bruising, anxiety and more. Aromatherapy benefits are just now being truly studied through various scientific practices to see just how those essential oils truly work.

Defining Essential Oils

Essential oils are often concentrated and therefore should never be used without diluting it with carrier oil, particularly if the essential oil is meant for the skin. The aromatherapy benefits from the use of these essential oils are produced by chemical reactions and absorption through the body. Mixed with carrier oils, essential oils are absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream while others are inhaled and trigger a brain response.

Each essential oil is usually derived from various plants, trees and other living things with each having its own properties and should thereby be directed towards particular functions. For instance, lavender is a popular herb which is turned into essential oils to calm the senses and even calm the digestive system, depending on how it is used. The aromatherapy benefits of lavender stretch far and wide and this herb is used in massage oils, sachets, bubble bath and even stomach remedies.

Taking Precautions

While the aromatherapy benefits are many, you have to take care in how you conduct treatments because some essential oils cannot be use without carrier oils and some may even trigger adverse reactions with existing medications you may be taking. Before trying any aromatherapy treatments, always ask your doctor about possible reactions, especially if you are being treated for a pre-existing condition.

Studying up on the essential oils and their various aromatherapy benefits, you will discover that there is a plethora of information on the subject. Some essential oils used can multi-task and offer more than one type of benefit while others have one use only. One of the more versatile essential oils is peppermint because it can be inhaled, used topically and with proper care, ingested as well. Inhaling the aroma of peppermint wakes up the brain and provides alertness and using it topically will reduce fatigue in tired muscles.

Acne, psoriasis, colds, flu, lymphatic drainage, cuts, bruising, nausea and sore muscles are just a few of many conditions that can reap the aromatherapy benefits that come from using essential oils. Emotional and physical well-being can be achieved with essential oils and while there may not be definitive proof with some of them, as long as you feel better after using them that is all that counts. After all, people for thousands of years, especially the ancient Romans and Egyptians reaped aromatherapy benefits through the use of essential oils.



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