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Borderline Diabetes

A Guide to Borderline Diabetes

Borderline diabetes is a term which is really becoming a lost term in the world today, as research has found that borderline diabetes can actually be a few different conditions. In other words, borderline diabetes is not actually a type of diabetes, but rather it can be a precursor to the condition, and it is essentially an impaired glucose tolerance, which typically occurs when the blood sugar levels in the body are above normal but are still short of the diabetic cut-off range.

However even though it is not classified as being diabetes, the risk of developing other diabetic complications such as coronary heart disease, for instance, is equal to that of any patient in the diabetic category, and thus needs to be taken just as seriously.

The symptoms of borderline diabetes can potentially indicate type 1 or 2 diabetes, and this includes thirst, excessive urination, tiredness or fatigue, diabetic coma, increased hunger, unexplained weight loss.

Treating Borderline Diabetes

There are various things that you can do in order to treat your borderline diabetes, and one of the best things that you can do is work together with your physician in order to develop a customized plan. It is important to have a customized plan because each person and each case is different, and so thus the methods of treatment that should be used will differ as well.

You also need to frequently check your blood glucose levels using a home glucose monitor, so that you will be able to detect and notice if any levels if and when they are above normal. Any level above normal, regardless if it is mild or severe, can lead to long-term complications, and so obviously it is crucial to keep track of your blood glucose levels as best and as often as you possibly can.

Following a proper meal and exercise plan is also important here, and especially if you are overweight you need to begin a lifestyle-enhancing program in order to better their lifestyle overall. Starting and maintaining a regular, physician-approved exercise program is crucial to treat a condition such as borderline diabetes, and to prevent yourself from suffering from long-term consequences.

Besides being potentially harmful to begin with, there is also research that shows that the effect of borderline diabetes has an effect on such ailments and dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, which is just one more reason that it is so important to properly treat borderline diabetes if you have it and prevent it whatever way you can if you do not.



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