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What Makes Digital Cameras So Great

What Makes Digital Cameras So Great?

It’s hard to believe that the boom in digital cameras only came a little more than ten years ago, when the costs of the technology and media for these devices fell enough to make them accessible to the average consumer. Previous to this, the only digital cameras were priced at thousands of dollars, putting them out of reach of the average person. However, what is it about digital cameras that make them so popular? Let’s take a look at these gadgets and talk about how they’ve changed the world of home photography.

Removing Film From The Equation

Taking photographs can be a lot of fun, but the real fun is in viewing the photographs, which isn’t easily done with a film camera; you need to get that film developed. For those of us who are procrastinators, the pictures might get developed weeks or even months after the event the camera was used at, not a great way to preserve memories. Digital cameras, however, save photographs as computer data, and when that data is uploaded to a computer, you can view those pictures on your computer as soon as the night you’ve taken the picture.

Instant Feedback On Photos

Saving the memory as data makes viewing pictures great for after an event, but manufacturers took that one step further and incorporated an LCD viewing screen on digital cameras to allow people to find out how well their pictures came out instantly. Did someone get in the way of that shot at your child’s graduation? With a digital camera, you’ll know right away. This feature allows consumers to learn to take better photos with digital cameras.

Sharing Photographs

The rise of digital cameras came right as the Internet became a familiar fixture in many households, and they’re two technologies that complement each other. Once the pictures are uploaded to your computer, you can easily place them on your personal website, or e-mail them to friends and family. There’s no need to purchase duplicates at the photo development store, no scanners needed to convert the photos to digital images, and so on. Thanks to digital cameras and the Internet, we’ve become a society that better shares visual information.

Cutting Costs

In some ways, digital cameras can help cut the costs associated with developing pictures. While it’s true that these gadgets cost more than film cameras, they can often take higher-quality pictures and you don’t have the costs associated with buying and developing film. So as a trade for the up-front cost, as long as your digital camera and media holds up while you take pictures, the cost per picture is less. It’s for reasons like this that digital cameras have become such a hit in the world of photography.



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