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Baby Teething Process

Understanding the Baby Teething Process

The baby teething process can be one of the most difficult phases of an infant’s life, and not only for the child but for the parent as well, as they are the one who has to watch their little one go through this horrible pain. Although there is really no way to completely easy the pain that is caused during the baby teething process, there are things that you can do to help relieve it and to soothe and calm your baby during this tough time.

About the Baby Teething Process

When a baby begins teething, there is really no set pattern on when it will begin or how long it will take. Each situation is different, and so while one baby may go through intense pain during the baby teething process, another may not make a fuss or experience hardly any pain at all.

In total there will be twenty teeth that come in, and most children will have a full set of these primary teeth by the time they are around two or three years old. These teeth will usually last them until around the age of six, and this is when the teeth begin to become loose and fall out and the second set of teeth start to push through the gums. Although this process is also painful, it is much easier to deal with because the child is much older.

Symptoms of Teething

There are various signs and symptoms that you are likely to notice once your infant starts going through the baby teething process, and the most noticeable one is irritability. As the sharp teeth begin to rise closer to the surface of your infant’s gums, they will generally become increasingly sore and painful, and this usually leads to your baby becoming very fussy.

The pain and discomfort will most often be worse during the time when the first few teeth come in, as this is when the gums are the most sensitive, but they then begin to toughen up as more teeth come in and the baby will tend to become accustomed to the sensations of teething and will learn to live with them.

A chin rash is another common symptom of teething, and this is typically caused by the drool that forms from the excess saliva in the baby’s mouth. Cheek rubbing and ear pulling are also telltale signs, as pain in the gums may travel to the ears and cheeks, particularly when the back molars begin coming in.

There are various forms of teething help available that you can offer to your baby during this tough time in order to help relieve the pain for them, just make sure that anything you are giving to them is safe and is not going to harm them in any way.



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