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Improving Memory

Improving Memory May Depend On Information Attitude

For many people, remembering dates, times and small details can be a chore and writing things down may help them remember when something needs to happen, but they are not really working at improving memory function. Aging is the most often blamed reason for a failing memory, but there are other things that interfere with a person's ability to recall certain information, such as drugs, interference and attitude. If information is being given to a person to which they have absolutely no interest, there is a good chance it will be ignored by their memory.

There are numerous tricks used in recalling information but most experts agree that the best method for improving memory is by improving how the information is processed when it is received. For example, when someone gives a phone number, they rarely string all 10 numbers together. They have stored it in small pieces, two groups of three numbers and one group of four numbers.

When the person receives the information in this manner it is easier to remember than if they receive it all at once. When hoping to remember the phone number, a trick for improving memory would be to slow down and remember it broken into the three pieces before putting it in your short term memory, where it can be committed for long term storage later on.

Visuals Are Easier To Remember Than Words

There are some people that learn by reading and others who learn by doing and for most, seeing the images of how something is done while they are acting on the instruction helps them remember how to so the same task the next time without the instructions. Visualizing words is one technique used in improving memory and is widely accepted as a means of promoting recall as well.

Some of the best recommendations for improving memory are not as focused on how the information is pulled from the brain, rather it focuses on how the information is filed. The brain generally accepts information and files it in the order in which it is received. If new information can be related to previously stored information, then recall will be easier as there is a larger memory from which to draw.

Before anyone can work on improving memory to recall information they have to determine what helps them remember information and use that method to file the information. Visualizing the memory as a file cabinet and file folders may help with improving memory for busy people while simply serves to confuse some others.



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