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Cheap Air Travel Tickets

3 Ways to Find Cheap Air Travel Tickets

If you’re always working hard and saving for a vacation, you wouldn’t want to blow everything (and then some) on your trip so you come back laden with credit card debt and starting where you began from. Even if you have friends and family all across the country (or world for that matter) where you can stay for free, getting there is half the trouble and expense.

Finding cheap air travel tickets however has become much simpler thanks to the internet. However, anyone who is web savvy enough to have purchased a ticket or two knows that the sheer volume of travel sites claiming to have the cheapest air travel tickets around can be confusing. At times the different variables in destination and arrival airport, flight time, award travel and the like can be so overwhelming that people wish they could just call a travel agent and ask him to mail the best possibly priced ticket.

However, do not despair. Here are a few ways to save money when looking for cheap air travel tickets on the web

Sign Up at Favorite Sites

Look around at, and and then sign up for the email updates of one or a few of the sites where you feel the best deals for your destination and time of travel are. If for instance you want to fly from Michigan to New York, sign up at Spirit Airlines and they will email you offers of when they have fares as low as 5 cents one way!! Of course, date and time restrictions apply, but for a nickel one-way, how can you possibly go wrong? Even if you live in surrounding areas of Michigan, say in Chicago and even if you want to go to surrounding states of New York such as New Jersey, Connecticut or Pennsylvania, such cheap air travel tickets can still save you money.

Name Your Price

At and other such sites, there is no harm in naming your price. Budget what you think is the maximum you can pay for a flight and then enter that amount at the website. You never know, you just might be able to fly to California from Wisconsin for $200 if you complete a partner offer like apply for a credit card or the like.

Visit and Revisit

Some sites like for American Airlines allow you to hold reservations for a few days, so if you feel you have a good fare but still want to browse around; you can always hold your reservation for cheap air travel tickets until the time specified. Check in the middle of the week and not before major holidays and you are sure to score deals on cheap air travel tickets without trying too hard.



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