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Anxiety and Depression

Understanding the Connection Between Anxiety and Depression

Although at first thought most people would not necessary believe that there was a connection between the ailments of anxiety and depression, there actually is, and an incredibly large and significant one at that. In fact, anxiety and depression are two health problems which basically go hand in hand, and there are many reasons for this.

About Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression can both really cause a damper on your life, and because they are usually interrelated, this can result in being an even larger problem. When these two are diagnosed at the same time, the cause is usually some form of trauma that took place in the person’s life, and the anxiety and depression are two side effects that came as a result.

Anxiety and depression can both cause a person to not want to leave their house, and as well they can result in significant weight loss or gain, either of which can be incredibly detrimental to a person’s overall health and well-being.


There are many forms of treatment which are offered for these types of problems however, and if you have depression or anxiety or both, then you might find that your doctor will prescribe you a regular dose of exercise in addition to medication or physiotherapy. Although exercise can not be a sole cure for either of these problems, its psychological and physical benefits can absolutely improve the symptoms.

After all, exercise has long been touted as being a great way to maintain physical fitness and help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases, and not only that but as well a growing volume of research shows that exercise can also help to improve symptoms of certain mental conditions, such as depression and anxiety for instance.

Research suggests that generally it may take about 30 minutes of exercise or more a day for at least three to five times a week in order to be able to notice any significant improvements in the anxiety or depression, however smaller amounts of activity have also been shown to make smaller improvements in the short-term of things.

It is thought that exercise works to help depression and anxiety because it positively affects the levels of certain mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain, and it also may help to boost feel-good endorphins, release tension in the muscles, help you to sleep better and reduce the levels of stress hormone cortisol, and as well it helps to increase body temperature, which may have calming affects all on its own.



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