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How To Improve Short Term Memory In Children

How To Improve Short Term Memory In Children: The More Fun The Child Has, The Better He Will Learn

If you are concerned about improving the short term memory loss in your child and need to learn about the best ways regarding how to improve short term memory in children, you need to ensure that whichever step you choose, it should be something that is fun for the child to do because that in turn would mean that the child will enjoy him or herself and thus gets more out of the solution you use. Without a doubt, when you use a solution with regard to how to improve short term memory in children, you will begin to notice that such solutions will help improve the child’s skills since they will be looking forward to learning new things which in turn will allow for more new information to become ingrained in the mind.

Use Card Games

With regard to how to improve short term memory in children, you should use a game that the child finds to be enjoyable because the more fun it is for the child, the better will he or she be able to pick up things that are being taught and that in turn will help the child’s short term memory. In this regard, you can use many of the same games that you played when you were a kid such as playing cards with all the cards facing down and then turning up two cards to see if they match. In case of a matched pair of cards, you can leave them face up and then move on to another pair of cards.

The goal of playing such a game is that the child can try to remember the location of specific cards and by finding those cards, he or she can win at the game. Such a game is certainly most useful when you are looking to learn how to improve short term memory in children and besides improving the short term memory of the child, it also is a lot of fun for children. In fact, if you are still wondering as to how to improve short term memory in children, and then why not get your child to play any of the many memory games which are easily available at children’s stores as well as in toy shops.

Still, there are many other options to choose when you are wondering how to improve short term memory in children such as those which actually touch the auditory parts of short term memory. Such games are very simple to play with your children and they only require needing to repeat lists of items such as a whole series of names of animals and get the children to listen to what you say. Then, after you are finished naming the animals, you ask the child to write down as many names as he or she can remember. You will notice that with time, such means of teaching your child to improve their short term memory will soon begin to show marked improvements in the child’s ability to remember things that took place no more than thirty minutes ago.

And, to get the best results from your musings about how to improve short term memory in children, you need to also ensure that regardless of the game or other solution you use for your children, it is always a good idea to reward the child every time he gets the right answers, because it will act as an incentive for the child to try harder and thus help improve their short term memory.



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