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Fine Art Photography

Fine Art Photography Used As Expression Of Creativity

From the earliest days of photography there have been what became known as artists with cameras who used photography to express their personal views of life and the world around them. Like artists with paint and canvas, fine art photography was used as a means to express their personal visions and creativity. Also similar to many artists, their work was not necessarily accepted by others and it was not until the 1970's that some art galleries began showing their work alongside traditional artists.

Also referred to as simply art photography, fine art photography was usually black and white and while some later photographic artists used composition and lighting techniques in their work, many of the first photographers essentially took pictures and hoped something inspirational jumped out at them. For the most part, large format films were used in fine art photography but later developments of 35 mm film and today's digital cameras has relegated many of them to personal collections.

When many people consider fine art photography they remember the early nudes done in black and white, sometimes slightly out of focus to create intrigue with the image. Some critics often referred to fine art photography in the same vein as impressionist paintings, with the meaning of the image seen only by the photographer.

Limiting Production Increased Print's Value

Despite the fine art photography prints growing in size through the 20th century, many photographers made relatively few copies of the their prints, hoping to increase their value in the market. This may have served the purpose for some of the better-known names in fine art photography, but for new artists, without the support of major art galleries their craft may have been more of a hobby than a means of entering the art world.

Many of the early prints in fine art photography was small, delicate pictures, usually framed behind glass but today's photographers are producing many larger size prints. Larger than traditional poster-size pictures, they are also not always placed in a frame. Some of the larger fine art photography images are printed on canvas without borders and hung as large painting would normally be displayed.

Lake many images in the art world, the artist's vision and creative images are not attracted to many in the mainstream art world. Their fine art photography images are often understood by just a few of their followers, and with the use of digital photography and computer programs, they are able to create montages of their images, hoping to target a wider audience for their work.



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