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Flash Photography

Useful Tips for Flash Photography

Flash photography is nothing but the technique of using flash light attached to the camera in every possible situation where there is insufficient lighting arrangement. Most commonly flash photography is used to shoot group portraits, since sufficient light is not there to get a satisfactory outcome.

Flash photography is not only applicable when there is inadequate lighting arrangement, but also it is used in a variety of other situations such as – when the background is brighter than the foreground, lighting up inside of a room with better color contrast, focusing over a moving object in a dark background.

Indoor Situations

You can not take the benefit of adequate light supply when you are trying to shoot in a typical indoor setup. In that case, flash photography has no better alternative. Using the techniques of flash photography, you can take group portraits, architectural photograph, and many more. You may also throw lights on the objects that may otherwise look too dark for an appropriate exposure.

When the auto-exposure setting of your camera denotes that the required shuttering speed should be lower than 1/60 per second, you are not advised to hand-hold your camera, since it will produce a blurred image. This is because the shutter is allowed to stay open for long enough to grab any minor hand shaking to deform the desired composition.

In such a case, if you use tripod or faster film technique, it will solve the purpose successfully. However, carrying a tripod is not a regular choice for everyone. For the majority of photographers, flash photography is the only technique to be used for shooting in the indoor situations.

When you are shooting flash photography, you must not focus the camera directly on any glass or mirror, or else, it will produce lens flair enough to mess up the photo. Keep a close distance to the subject; say about 4' to 10', to have an effective flashing experience. Remember to keep your primary subject closer than subsidiary elements in your pictures, since closer objects will appear brighter than distant objects.

Fill Flash Conditions

Fill flash conditions are used in such types of situations when the pictures become too dark in normal lighting arrangements. This type of flash photography is ideal for casting light in the room having no windows. In particular, side-lit and back-lit conditions are perfect for flash photography.

In the back-lit condition, sufficient light is present in the background; however, the foreground lacks the adequate light supply. In normal condition, this will produce silhouette effect, however when you take the benefit of flash photography, it blends the photo nicely. But you need to be very careful about the flash range in order to effective implementation of flash photography.



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