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Diabetes And Exercise

The Correlation Between Diabetes And Exercise

Exercise or any kind of physical activity will help to control blood glucose levels. It also increases energy, improves the heart and promotes an emotional well being. Diabetes and exercise programs that last 30 to 60 minutes daily will show a steady improvement in blood glucose levels.

Exercise And Type 1 Diabetes

Studies have not proven yet that diabetes control and exercise are associated with type 1 diabetes. But exercise, in itself has many positive health benefits. It has been proven to improve short term blood glucose control and, therefore, is recommended for most of the people who have type 1 diabetes. People who have type 1 diabetes need to pay attention to their blood glucose levels before, during and after they exercise.

This diabetes and exercise can sometime take a downward swing and may cause a blood sugar emergency. In which case, certain measures need to be taken to prevent this from happening. Exercise and diabetes can sometimes cause hyperglycemia, or high blood sugars, especially if these levels were high before the workout began. Monitoring blood glucose levels before and after workouts and keeping track of you glycemic response to different physical activities are very important when dealing with type 1 diabetes and exercise.

Type 2 Diabetes And Exercise

Living a totally inactive lifestyle is one of the major causes for developing type 2 diabetes. It is a fact that obesity type 2 diabetes and no exercise are highly correlated. Losing weight will decrease the insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes. Studies have proved that type 2 diabetes and exercise have better A1c profiles. Along with nutrition, exercise is one of the first defenses in controlling type 2 diabetes. One of the leading complications in type 2 diabetes is heart disease and regular exercise will lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure.

Diabetes and exercise need to be said in the same sentence more often when trying to control all categories of diabetes. Exercise is something the body needs to do to rejuvenate itself and to make circulation more prominent. It is very healthy to have a regular exercise program for people without diabetes and so it can only give a positive result to anyone who suffers from this disease. Exercise and diabetes should remain together to remind all people with diabetes how important regular physical activity can play in a longer and healthier life. It is not asking too much for someone we love to walk around the block at least once a day.



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